Bug: Infinite Login Loop with new Customer Data Platform


Not sure if this is widespread or just on our account but we’ve recently had the CDP enabled on our account.
Whilst we’re still looking around and figuring it out, we decided to remove access to most users and only leave admins with access.

We’ve seen issues where when we remove the permissions for CDP and only leave Analytics - users are experiencing an infinite loop of logging in and then being redirected back to the login screen etc.

I’ve tested with a dummy user and the same experience is happening. I do have a video example if that helps but don’t think I can upload those here.
Once we re-enable access to CDP, there’s no issues.

Ideally, we’d want it so that only selected users have access to CDP rather than en masse if possible.

Just thought I’d raise if others are experiencing too.



Hi @B_Shimm,
thanks for flagging this, we’re looking into the topic.
Please hold the recording with you, for now we’ll try to verify on our end.

Please note that foe your users to have access to CDP they need to have access to the module (under Administration - Users) and access to the Site or app (under Administration - Site or app - Permission).

We will get back to you, give us a moment to check things out.

Hi @B_Shimm,
Good news is that we managed to locate the error and the fix is being worked on.
I will get back to you when it’s implemented.

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Hi @B_Shimm
I’m coming back with the confirmation, the fix is in place.
Once again thanks for flagging the problem!

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Hi @Tymek

Thanks for the solution, will have a check and confirm our end but I appreciate the quick turnaround!

Q: thought CDP was only for paying accounts? Just asking because i see it in the Free one’s as well and was wondering if there’s a catch :slight_smile:

Hi @dave,
last year was a lot about making our CDP available for all users and here’s the effect:)
There’s no catch, we want to provide a quality solution to all. By default all Piwik PRO accounts have received CDP module, it is fully functional with the following limits:

  • 5000 activation requests
  • 100 visible user profiles
    Very soon we will run a lot communication arund it.

Please let me know if you need anything more.

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@dave I realised today I provided incorrect limit values.
The correct limits are set to:

  • 1000 activation requests
  • 10 visible user profiles
    Sorry for that!
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