Deposit data layer


I am trying to track the deposits - Transaction ID and the value to it.

I have added this data layer:

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
      event: 'depositoPlay',
      value: $v_amount,
      transactionId: $v_transactionId,

On Piwik I have added Variables on Tag Manager.

Created a Tag - Goal Conversion -

Added a trigger to this tag - Data Layer Event with the name of the event.

Added Custom Dimensions as well:

And If I go to Reports - Custom Dimensions, adding a second dimension - Value

Every row has a value

But in Sum of Goal Revenue Column, it says No data for some of the rows. Not for all of them.

I Can’t find out why it is happening - if it has a value and it should be displayed in Sum of Goal Revenue Column

Hi @vladys,

No data in most cases either means that the dimension was not tracked at all or you have added undefined as a value.

Since v_amount is added dynamically - maybe it’s possible to check what values were supposed to be pushed based on transaction ID?

Thank you for your reply.

I already have a value that should be in sum, but it is not passing the data to the sum of goal revenue.

I found out that the first deposit in the session is passing the revenue and the next ones in the same session are not passing it

Ah, you are right - sorry, didn’t see that value and revenue are picked up from the same variable. Let me take a closer look then :slight_smile: .