Hi ,
I have a hybrid-setting of normal pageviews and spa´s.
So for so good, the spa run with a custom URL so I can follow the steps. Example:
https://www.devk.de/produkte/kfz/kalkulation/index.jsp/ (original URL)
→ https://www.devk.de/produkte/kfz/kalkulation/index.jsp/step1_1 (custom URL)
My problem, when adding UTM to the URL the spa pageview does not set source/medium & campaign.
The custom URL is looking like this with UTM included:
(note there is no difference using & or “&” etc)
When entering the main page with the normal pageview tag all is fine.
Example: https://www.devk.de/ ?amp;utm_source=testing5&utm_medium=testing5&utm_campaign=testing5
Do I miss something in my setting? I am using the SPA template.