Tags firing but analytics not tracking

I have a wordpress multisite with Piwik Pro installed on 3 of the main sites which form this multisite. We have a e-learning side so we use a first piwik just for the blog, LPs, and payments sites and we will set up another one for the courses one to help in better understanding our traffic. The issue happens with this first piwi pro container (3 sites, tedjordan.org, blog.tedjordan.org, payment.tedjordan.org) in which the set up is correct (following the instructions) and the debug tool shows the tag firing BUT the analytics only shows the visits on the payment site. Also, since moving to the multiple, it seems Piwik is no longer able to track e-com event (despite being ticked on in the settings), the pluggins and checkout system is the same, the only difference is the multi-domains aspect.

SC showing the tag firing:

SC showing the analytics only counting payment site:

Setting of the PIWIK container:

Wordpress installation :

Container name tedjordan.org and adress tedjordan.piwik.pro

Thanks a mil for your help, I have tried to fix that myself but was unable to.

Hi @Tanguy_Van_Ingelgom,

Please try to change Container address (URL) to https://tedjordan.containers.piwik.pro as it is in the example for standard domains. Also, I can see that you use other triggers in Piwik PRO tag than All page views, which is not a recommended. Piwik PRO tag is responsible for page views tracking and other events out of the box, so using other triggers than All page views doesn’t make sense. I would suggest to remove them, because it may cause issue as well.

Hello Adam,

I implemented both recommendation, meaning changung the containers adress and removing the triggers. Unfortunately, this has not fixed the issues we are experiencing.
Any idea how we can fix that ?

I also tried to place the tag in hard with a code snippet, it did seem to gather a few visits but only on the main sites and only a few compared to what was expected.

Thanks a mil.

Hi @Tanguy_Van_Ingelgom,

Did you now installed both standard container and container via Wordpress plugin? If so, please remove the standard, hardcoded container and stick only to Wordpress if this is CMS that you use so we can take a look at the issue