i have previously implemented ecom order tracking using the _paq.push to functions, but i cant get it to work now.
if i change the the _paq variale to _ppas i can actually see the OrderData in the tracker debugger.
anyone know if _paq.push functions are outdated or if i am doing anything else wrong ? pageviews are triggered correctly, so it seems piwik is installed correctly.
below is the test code i have setup:
_paq = window._paq || [];
_paq.push(["addEcommerceItem", "72625151", "Yellow notebook 150 pages", "School supplies", 10.00, 2]);
_paq.push(["addEcommerceItem", "72625151", "Yellow notebook 150 pages", "School supplies", 10.00, 2]);
_paq.push(["trackEcommerceOrder", "33526", 499, 399, 0, 100]);
Hi @cf_skabertrang,
This shouldn’t work unless you you define your tracker using _ppas
in the first place. We don’t do this in the product, you can only do this manually. E.g. when running Matomo at the same time.
actually i also added this code to before _ppas = window._ppas || ;
and then it worked. we are not using matomo on this install. we have installed piwik via container snippet right at the body tag beginning.
but seems wierd that the _paq variable cant send any data
also if i dont add _ppas = window._ppas || ;
we get an error in the console saying _ppas is not defined
Could you post a screenshot from the tracker debugger after executing this piece of code with _ppas
Yes, that’s because our product doesn’t use _ppas
by default. You would have to modify the tracking code to use it.
yes sure.
i am not sure excactly, how much you want to see, but here is the Order from tracker debugger:
Could you send me the website URL please? Either here or in a private message.
@cf_skabertrang You have configured the Piwik PRO tracking code to work with _ppas
instead of _paq

Where did you find that ?
In your Tag Manager, a tag called Test
. The main Piwik PRO tag is turned off.
thank you that was it 
apparently our marketing guy had this account setup previously to test it with matomo and he forgot to remove it.