Corner reminder button problem

After changing the color of the button in the “Corner Reminder” → “Set your privacy” form, the popup changed the html code and no longer works properly.

Original code: <a id="ppms_cm_open-popup" data-disable-interaction="true" data-href="#" class="ppms_cm_set_your_consent">Set your privacy</a>
New code: <a id="ppms_cm_open-popup" data-disable-interaction="true" href="#" class="ppms_cm_set_your_consent">Set your privacy</a>

You can try on my site “” with “Italian (Italy).” If you use another language without changing the template, it works.

I tried resetting the template but the problem persists.

could you please deactivate Italian language, remove it and then add it one more time so see if the problem still persists?
Apart from that, I’ve noticed that you have 2 consent banners right now - maybe you’ll find our article regarding Cookiebot integration useful: Cookiebot integration | Piwik PRO help center

I removed and added Italian language and it works.
I selected Italian and changed the color of the button and it doesn’t work.

After the change the html code changed and creates the problem.

I don’t understand why it changed the html code.