I’ve made the Piwik setup and also the ecommerce part.
As you can see in these screenshots, my tags are set correctly. On the debug view, my ecommerce tags are triggered correctly. Even when I check hit on the Network tab of Google Chrome, the hit is sent with all variables on Piwik.
BUT I still don’t have ecommerce data. Is it maybe because we have reached the hit limit, and Piwik is blocking data for ecommerce reports ?
sku - Required [string] Product stock-keeping unit
name - Optional [string] Product name (default: “”)
category - Optional [string|Array<string>] Product category or an array of up to 5 categories (default: “”)
price - Optional [number|string] Product price has to be a float number or a string containing float number representation (default: 0)
quantity - Optional [number|string] Product quantity has to be an integer number or a string containing integer representation (default: 1)
brand - Optional [string] Product brand (default: “”)
variant - Optional [string] Product variant (default: “”)
Would it be possible for you to add the SKU as a string in dataLayer?
Ok it’s nice to know that a feature could be added to solve this issue, but if it’s integrated in a long time could you please provide me like a function to implement in Piwik in order to transform the SKU variable to be considered as a String ?