We’re experiencing an issue where orders are not tracked and therefore measured as abandoned carts.
Below is a part of a Piwik session log where the user reached the thank-you page by placing an order. However, the order tag isn’t firing and then the order is measured as abandoned cart:
We’re measuring the Ecommerce order within Piwik Tag Manager, based on the dataLayer purchase event. Attached some images of how the Ecommerce order tag and trigger is configured and a purchase event example.
Unfortunately the debugger isn’t properly working for us.
The debugger opens yourhosting.nl, but when our shop is located at our subdomain shop.account.yourhosting.nl.
So when using the debugger, the debugger overlay disappears when I go from yourhosting.nl to shop.account.yourhosting.nl.
We do have all settings regarding cross-domain and cross subdomain activated in the Piwik settings and also added all subdomains to the Sites & apps > Data collection tab.
Here is a guide on how you can open the tracker debugger - About the tracker debugger | Piwik PRO help center
The tracker debugger shows what events have been tracked but also shows broken events (events which for example had incorrect data types sent as values)
It seems that you are thinking about the Debug Mode which is activated on the website
Is there any way that we can test this?
Also, when I’ve went to your website I noticed that you are adding the Piwik PRO script once the consent is given however this doesn’t happen right after we give consent but we need to reload the page first. This means that you are losing some of the traffic.
Unfortunately there’s not a test environment where we can test this. In order to fire the purchase event, an actual order has to be placed.
Is there any other way you can debug this?
Regarding the consent: I added the compliance settings in Google Tag Manager to make sure our third-party consent tool (CookieYes) is working properly with Piwik. Also updated every tag in Piwik Tag Manager to make sure they all need Analytics consent.