Error in console


I have this error in my console since i install my tracking code :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: $webStorage
    at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)
    at new e (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:163010)
    at Object.$get (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:47318)
    at Object.get [as CookieStorage] (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:46504)
    at l (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:45789)
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at Object.f (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:46085)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at Object.$get (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:47290)
    at Object.get [as CookieFiredState] (aa098fc1-598f-4709-9628-b2c4fa5b5d6e.js:8:46504)

Can you explain to me what is it and how to fix it?

Thank you :pray:

Please check if you didn’t install 2 container codes on one website.