Firing Custom Code (Facebook Pixels) on Custom Server Side Events

Hi Piwik Community,
I need some help setting up custom code to fire Facebook pixels when specific custom events are triggered on my server-side (PHP backend). Since these events are being sent from the server side, there are no standard front-end triggers that I can rely on. Here’s a brief overview of my situation:


  • I have a set of custom events occurring server-side in my PHP application.
  • These events need to be tracked in Facebook** using pixels
  • The events do not have any front-end triggers, so the pixel cannot be fired directly from JavaScript on the client side.


How can I fire a custom code (such as Facebook pixel code)** in response to these custom events happening on the server side?


as this is a totally unrelated question regarding Piwik PRO, I think you will have to implement Meta CAPI using PHP to manage cookies, build and send tracking requests yourself or find somebody who can help you with that if there is no pre-built solution for your CMS.

Maybe a forum commited to Meta tracking stuff can be a better place to find some help (no, I do not know any of those, Sorry).


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