Replicate Custom Dimension as in Data Studio

Hi, in Google Data Studio we have a lot of custom dimension with data extraction Formula with regex like this

Where we can create/replicate something like this in the Piwik Dashboards? Is the synthax the same or is there a guideline here?

Thanks a lot.

I don’t think there’s a similar feature. If the no. of unique values isn’t high, you could use dimension value grouping to create more readable dimension names for certain groups of values.

Alternatively, you can use our data studio connector to achieve the same result with Piwik PRO. :slight_smile:

Hi Kuba.

Dimension Value Grouping did the trick, only disadvantage is that I have to manually add any new Code that will be available while the RegEx just extracted any Voucher Code that is there.

Anyway, thanks for the hint.

Can I also use it in Data Studio, where can I find this Dimension Value Grouping?

Thanks, Susanne

I don’t think the dimensions created via DVG are available in GDT connector. Maybe they could, I have to ask @Piotrek here.

Hello @Susanne, sorry for a very late reply to this thread. Dimension value groupings are not available in the Google Data Studio connector at the moment, but we’ve just introduced support for calculated metrics and custom channel groupings.

Since those metrics and dimensions work similarly to dimension value groupings, we will be able to add dimension value groupings in the near future to the connector. I’ll update this thread when we have more info to share.

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Hi @Piotrek,

Looking for this same functionality, are there any updates to share yet?

Hello, looking to have dimension value groupings available in Looker Studio via Piwik API connector.
Any updates ?

Hi @Nathalia! Thank you for reaching out! We are working on a new version of the Looker Studio connector as we speak. We’re now focusing on fixing the known issues and then we’ll start implementing the features that were requested the most often. I’ll share the information here when we set the date for dimension value groupings. Stay tuned!