Just updated my Piwik Data Studio connector to the newest version. Is it possible that in the new connector the Custom Channel Grouping dimension is missing?
Hello @michiel,
We had to remove the dimension, because it was wrongly displayed in the older versions. Currently it’s not possible to use custom channel groupings and calculated metrics in the Google Data Studio connector.
Some more technical info: custom channel grouping appeared as only one generic dimension on the list, even though in Analytics you can have more than one grouping and each of them provides a unique identifier.
We plan to add them back in one of the next releases.
Thanks for the update @Piotrek!
Hello @michiel, I come back with some news:
We have released a new version of the Google Data Studio integration. It introduces support for Meta Sites, calculated metrics and custom channel groupings.
Here is a direct link to the new version: Google Data Studio
Hi, where can the custom channel grouping in Looker Studio be found? I am unable to find it.
@LoneWolves it will have the same name that you set in the Piwik PRO Analytics settings. You will find an example below.
Piwik PRO:
Looker Studio:
Thanks Piotrek. I checked this already but the customer channel grouping does not appear in the Looker Studio list.
Hi, could you send the screenshots of custom channel grouping from Piwik PRO and Looker Studio, how does this look exactly?