I have recently decided to compare my visitors locations to Google Analytics (via Octoboard which we also use) just to check everything is working properly, however I have discovered there is a huge discrepancy in the locations of our visitors showing in Piwik… I realise there will always be a small difference, however this is too large to ignore.
The overall visitors are looking similar which is good however there are drastically few visitors showing up in London as GA : 134 vs 13.
The image below is octoboard (GA).
The image below this is Piwik - both images are from the same date range.
As the total visitors are very similar it looks like the issue is that 98 visitors are showing as NO DATA from within the UK, when they should be showing as London according to GA.
Why are a third of my total visitors showing up as no data when they are from London according to GA?
I have tried looking for location settings within piwik to try and see if It’s something that I have set wrong, but I can’t find anything that could be relevant…
What do you think the issue could be?
Thanks for your help,