API query parameter "limit" not working anymore?


I am using the Tracker Debugger API to access the stream of sessions with a defined limit=1 in the URL but I (now) sometimes get a bunch of sessions in the response. Is this a known problem? As I did not change anything in my code that uses to work as expected a few weeks ago.

Changing the value leads to odd results. Queries with limit=2 can result in 4 sessions, changing the value back to 1 then occasionally works. Very strange. Is that a general problem or am I the only one experiencing such results?


Hi @mbaersch,
Could you share the request content that you are sending to the debugger endpoint?


there is no payload beyond the auth header and the parameters in the request URL to the following endpoint:


Which led to the results described above yesterday. Can still reproduce the problem here myself today. Example:

When I change the value for “limit” a few times and run the same request again, I will get the desired number of results at some point but it seems totally random when it works or does not :frowning:


Do you use User ID for these sessions?

Yes, that’s the case

Generally, it is more a thing than a bug. Can you tell me more about your use case?

the request serves to see if there are any sessions with a specific event (the event type used just is an example) and the next block does not expect more than one line as a result.

As it is easy to fix I still would expect the parameter to work as it did and as it is documented, no matter what use case(?)

Hi Markus,

We’ll introduce a fix for this with the next update.

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