Cumulate Data in Data Studio

I have already asked this in a Support Ticket but I was wondering if I find a different answer or creative approach in the Community :slight_smile:

I connected Data Studio with Piwik PRO and am currently updating our existing Dashboards with the new Data from Piwik (we used Google Analytics Data before)

Now I have several cases where Data is not shown cumulated:

How it is: August 2022 is shown in several rows

How it should be (Screenshot with Data from GA):
one Row with August 2022, one with July 2022

It is a Blended Data Source where I use "campaign name RegExp Contains .* to define the selection “UTM campaign is set”

Now I guess I get one row per UTM campaign as there might be various campaigns.

Thanks, Susanne

Hi. This issue will be addressed in the new version of data studio connector. You can expect it within 2 weeks from now.

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Hi Kuba, has the new version of data studio connector been released which can solve this problem? Where I can find it?
Thank you.

Hello @Serena,

We released a new version of the connector that improves filters. You will find the latest version in our Help Center article: Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) integration | Piwik PRO help center

Keep in mind that it’s not possible to use the “partial RegExp matches” operator with our data, because we don’t provide an operator like that in our product (only exact matches).

Hi Piotrek,
thanks a lot for your answer. We tried it today but the problem doesn’t seem to be solved. Look here (with the new data connector as source):

We still have the data not summed up.
Can you help us to solve this problem please?
Thank you

Adding to Serenas Input (we are in the same team), I have now used the new Connector in an existing Dashboard and encountered the following error:
When I use a global filter for the report (eg Filter by page URL), I get a Data Set Configuration Error


Do you have any Info on how to avoid this?
Thanks, Susanne

Hi @Piotrek ,

do you know when will the next Connector release (after that of 14.09) be?

Same issue here, tried to aggregate the days into months in several ways but it keeps showing day/day data.

A solution would be handy :slight_smile:

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Hello @Piotrek.
Is there any news on this? Also, the Connector from 14.9. does not allow any filters.
Do you have News about a possible date for a new one which fixes those issues?
Thanks for letting me know.

Hello @Susanne,
The latest version supports filters - it’s linked in our Help Center article: Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) integration | Piwik PRO help center.

We’re currently looking into adding better aggregations to months in the connector. We don’t have a release date yet, but in general we are planning two releases this month (one in the first half of November and one in the second half) and we want to include a solution in one of them.

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Great, thanks! Could you please let me/us know in this thread, when also the cumulation topic is fixed? So we can come back to it and get the latest connector. Thanks, Susanne

Hello @Susanne,

We have just released a new version of our Data Studio connector which includes a fix for the issue with dimension value duplicates. Data that you see in charts and reports should not contain duplicates anymore. You can find the latest version in our Help Center article: Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) integration | Piwik PRO help center

More info about what happened an how we fixed it: the issue was a result of a change introduced by Google to the data model provided by connectors like ours. We have implemented changes to our schema based on feedback from Google and as a result, all metrics and dimensions will now appear as green fields in the connector. They will look like dimensions, but if you drop them into the metrics section in a chart/table definition, they will switch to a blue field (a metric).


Hi Piotrek.

Amazing news, thanks! I have already tried it and it works, also I found I could easily fix the dimension/metrics mixup as described. So great you guys fixed this.

Right now I feel the new connector does not work with filters, could this be the case? When I set a filter i receive an error in the widgets.

Thanks, Susanne

@Susanne @Piotrek , how do you aggregate the date field. Did try a few ways but doesn’t seem to work well on my side (updated the connector first)


Hello dave.It works for me with these settings:

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@Susanne totaly missed this one :confused: So strange since i’m using the same but it doesn’t aggregate.

Any idea what can go wrong @Piotrek ?

Even a simple bar chart seems very messed up and showing up in a random order


For everyone that still has the problems with cumulated data in Looker Studio. When using a default metric like unique pageviews and you want to see the views per weekday, you will still get the error shown above:

You have to use the SUM() function in a custom field

This way the graphs show the data cumulated. Knowing that its a no brainer, but there are some solutions on the web with formulas that do not work.


Edit, does not work for Sessions. Sessions are counted for each single day.