Ecommerce Orders Time Doesn't Match Shopify or Google Analytics


I’m seeing this for all orders in varying degrees but here’s one example:

There was a sale this morning 10:16 Eastern time, according to Shopify.

GA3 reports the hour of the sale as 10, matching Shopify.

PP has a dimension called “local time (hour)” which shows the hour during which the visitor made the purchase as 8:00.

A couple of thoughts/questions:

  1. It would be great if if the PP “local time (hour)” matched GA3’s “hour” dimension which is the hour during which GA3 recorded the sale. OR, create a new hour dimension to match GA3.

  2. As best I can tell, the local time (hour) for this particular purchaser would have been 9:00 since he’s in Texas. Texas is 100% Central time zone, yet PP shows 0800. What’s going on? Is this the hour when the session began rather than when the purchase happened?

Hi David!

The local time (hour) dimension is pulled directly from the visitor’s browser (which is pulled from the visitor’s device). My guess is that both GA3 and Shopify are showing server time (time when a particular request hits the server) and not the visitor’s browser time.

Understood, @anthonybartczak.

Can you add server time to the list of wants for Piwik Pro? It definitely has some value!

Hi David!

Feature request added, we also think this would be a valuable addition :slight_smile:.

@David_Culbertson have you tried the standard Date dimension with grouping by hour?



I’m not seeing that grouping option in my custom report.

Can you provide a screenshot?

The custom report:

The custom report in edit mode:

Hi. You pick it here:

And then group using the same interface:


Got it, thank you!!