Error: Your connection isn't private

I can’t log in to the company account because doesn’t matter the browser the message is always: Your connection isn’t private. NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID.How to solve it? It is happening for more than 3 months. Please help me.

Hi @mkt,

Could you send me the account/instance name? It can be either here or in a private message.

Hi Anthony, User name: EDIT: removed the email address

Sorry for not being more precise - please provide your Piwik PRO account name (

This is the only info I have. Could you not find the PIWIK PRO account name with this e-mail? I am struggling to login maybe because of it?

When logging into your Piwik PRO account you should see the account/instance name in your browser address bar (e.g.

Could be: I dont have this info, I need help to recover the login access.

Could you provide a screenshot (or screenshots) of the certificate that the error is mentioning? I have checked the Piwik PRO account with aapjoints in it’s name and it seems to be working on my end.

You should be able to display the certificate details by either clicking view certificate somewhere in the error description or by clicking the padlock icon on your address bar.

EDIT: removed the screenshot

I’ll send you a private message as it seems that the account address you are entering is incorrect.