GA3 can track event, Piwik Pro cannot, why?

Hi there!

I have this simple DataLayer custom event that I can track in GA3 but it doesn’t show in Piwik Pro Core.

I’ve setup the custom event in Tag Manager with a DataLayer Trigger (Exactly how I track it in GTM) but I can see those events in GA3 but not in Piwik.

This event can fire only in production environment so I cannot Debug it. The developer did make a test page that triggers the event into the DataLayer in the same exact mode as in production and I can see it in the debugger.

I have thinked about a maximum number of events in Piwik Pro Core but didn’t find anything in the docs…

SIDE NOTES: Piwik is delivered with GTM, GA3 is still active, events for GA3 are tracked using GTM.



Hi Francesco,

Please verify if the data layers names are the same. If so, the tools can interfere with each other. Try to set a unique name for the Piwik PRO data layer. This article might be helpful.


Thanks, I’ll try it today!