Google Ads Search Query

I look all reports for google ads ( also custum reports ) but dimension “Search Queries” for google ads are not available.

Is it possible have this data? with any import or configuration?


Hi @fausto81
Search Query dimension is not available due to limitations of Google Ads API. Shortly the API doesn’t provide the capability of attributing Search Query with gclid and eventually combining Google Ads and Analytics data in one report.


Thanks for you replay.

Also for google analytics you don’t have ALL the search terms but only an aggregate

If you checking the Google API you have this report

As I said it does not allow you to have ALL the data but only an aggregate but it allows you to have a sufficient number of information to understand which keys triggered a term and how (“Query Match Type”)

I’m aware of that report in the API. Our main goal was to download from Google Ads data that can be combined with analytics data set. We don’t have that ability for Search Query.

I’d like to explore a bit more your need.
What specifically you’d like to analyze/explore?
What would be a sample report that could help you in your analysis?