I am getting 0 sessions logs

Could someone please explain why we have Zero session logs, which is unusual?

screenshot - https://prnt.sc/9aXIi68pZEIJ

Hi, have you enabled this setting?

yes & and still have the issue

Can you share your website URL?

https://www.carlingual.com.sg & https://theballoonstudio.com.sg/

I just checked it for the first site and it looks correct:

For the other site (Buy Graduation Balloons, Customised & Personalised Balloons Singapore – The Balloon Studio) you have a lot of additional trackPageView events added directly to the page source. Because of that, each page view is counted a few times which affects the time on page metric. Keep in mind that Piwik PRO does not work out of the box with Matomo code installed. Here is a guide on how to set it up.