Hello! I am using the ecommerce object which the usePiwikPro hook is returning in my next.js application to track ecommerce events, but somehow the data is not visible in my dashboard. Are there any additional steps I have to do to make it work? I can see the page views so tracking is working but no ecommerce data.
Thank you.
Hi @raketeFlo,
Welcome to our community!
What Piwik PRO library commands he’s using to send ecommerce data? (Just the short snippet will be enough). Also on what pages it’s not working. Can you share it with me? (Feel free to PM me with details of website)
Hi Oliwer,
Thank you for your fast reply. I am using the addEcommerceItem and setEcommerceView event as well as the removeEcommerceItem in the cart. Here the snippet:
import { usePiwikPro } from '@piwikpro/next-piwik-pro';
const { PageViews, eCommerce } = usePiwikPro();
`${selectedWert?.title} - ${variant.title}`
This is my the site where I am using it: WORTH°IT | Einzel°Wert
You have to select a product and this should trigger the view call and when you add it to the cart it should trigger the addEcommerceItem call. I can confirm that the functions are being invoked but no data visible in my dashboard.
Thank you.
Hi @Oliwer_Kaczmarek ! Did you have time to have a look at it? Still cannot get the ecommerce data to display.
Hi @raketeFlo,
Sorry for the delay, I was trying to figure out what exactly happened there and I do have an answer. The data you are collecting is send correctly to Piwik PRO but you don’t see it in ecommerce reports because our SDKs are using our old ecommerce and not our new ecommerce solution. We didn’t noticed that the ecommerce on SDK is outdated, it should be fixed with our next or the one after release.
Right now the data is available in custom variables
So you can create reports using those dimensions at least until the update is out
(which likely will be out before the end of this year)
You will see this information in our changelog once it’s out:
Thank you Oliwer! Looking forward to the release.