Problem with Set Ecommerce

can you please advise me, I have tried all possible instructions and I cannot start the e-shop ecommerce tag for orders.
I have it set, the trigger reports an order, it can be seen in debugging, see the attachment.
But there is still no order data in the statistics ecommerce
I have set it in GTM
I do not know what I am doing wrong


  1. It looks like you are using Matomo and Piwik PRO at the same time.
    Can I use Piwik PRO and Matomo at the same time? | Piwik PRO help center

  2. There seems to be no add to cart event implemented in the dataLayer (at least I couldn’t trigger one).

  3. The dataLayer on your website (posted below) doesn’t match what you have added in the mapping. Try using the Data layer (Google Universal Analytics) preset.

    "event": "eec.purchase",
    "ecommerce": {
        "purchase": {
            "currencyCode": "Kč",
            "currencyISObyServer": "CZK",
            "actionField": {
                "id": "7068",
                "revenue": "448",
                "tax": "77.752",
                "shipping": "119",
                "coupon": ""
            "products": [
                    "id": 4426,
                    "name": "Plastový obrubník - kámen 2,5 m ",
                    "category": "Zahradní obrubníky",
                    "brand": "Ostatní",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "price": 329,
                    "priceWithoutVat": 271.90083,
                    "long_id": 298018075
    "gtm.uniqueEventId": 12


thank You for Your help.

I have an e-shop on the wereal platform and I already have the old PIWIK implemented in the admin, but it is not possible to manage e-commerce store there and the wereal provider does not have support for this.
So I tried to set up a new PIWIK PRO - so if there is no problem then there.

I have tried changing to UA analytics, and use the scripts according to the instructions for concurrent Matomo and PIWIK, but it still didn’t work.
You can see in attachment, some error.

(Attachment script PIWIK.docx is missing)


thank You for Your help.

I have an e-shop on the wereal platform and I already have the old PIWIK implemented in the admin, but it is not possible to manage e-commerce store there and the wereal provider does not have support for this.

This one:

So I tried to set up a new PIWIK PRO - so if there is no problem then there.

I have tried changing to UA analytics, and use the scripts according to the instructions for concurrent Matomo and PIWIK, but it still didn’t work.
You can see in attachment, some error.

script PIWIK.pdf (59.4 KB)

It looks like the order event was not tracked because of incorrect value type of product ID.

The dataLayer value is indeed an integer but you should send a string there (id field):

  "id": 4420,
  "name": "Zahradní okrasný plastový plot 2,2 m",
  "category": "Ploty/Plastové ploty",
  "brand": "Ostatní",
  "quantity": 1,
  "price": 319,
  "priceWithoutVat": 263.63636,
  "long_id": 297493127

Thank You.

And please send me what and wher I have to change, in which value ?
Thank You

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Antoni Bartczak via Piwik PRO Community
Předmět: [Piwik PRO Community] [Data collection and tags] Problem with Set

There I must something write in GTM ?
In attachment.

No, this is not connected to the Piwik PRO installation.

It looks like the ecommerce dataLayer is generated by your store or some sort of a plugin.


please look in attchment question.
Thank You Best regards,

PIWIK chyba ANG.pdf (104 KB)

I tried turning off all the tags in GTM and still the same error.

We also tried to insert the code into the Meta Tag of the pages, it was also the same.

It’s probably in the GTM code that forms the data layer on the website, from which PIWIK pulls data.

If you delete the code (ID: 5FG8WZP) in the admin of our store - web analytics - google measurement codes - Google tag manager, the event will not start at all according to the trigger. As a trigger there I have data layer event = equals = eec.purchase.

I can set the tag according to the standards:

Select a preset

Data Layer (Google Analytics 4)

Data Layer (Google Universal Analytics)

Google Brand (Google Analytics 4)

Google Brand (Google Universal Analytics)

I tried all variants. It does not work.

When I put it back there, it starts, but in PIWIK it gives me this error:

A broken event

Error message: Tracking parameter ‘ec_products’ has an invalid value. Unable to deserialize e-commerce products JSON: invalid type: integer 4426, expected string at line 1, column 6

That number is still there in the error n. 4426

Events log-data layer - see image

Would you please let me know when it could be fixed?

I can’t really help you with the dataLayer setup as it goes beyond the usage of Piwik PRO and I don’t know the context of it but the root cause if explained here: