I’m trying to get the proxy for Page load time in a Looker Studio dashboard. Where I get a 1s 578ms average page generation time in the UI, I get 28s36ms via the Looker Studio widget. How can these not be the same?
Hi, do you mean the difference is between reports in Piwik ( Page timing report | Piwik PRO help center ) and in Looker Studio?
HI Michal, that’s exactly it. How can these two not be the same. Yet is the exact same metric?
Could you send us some screenshots of both reports in Piwik and Looker Studio?
Hi Michal, please find attached an elaborated example. Thanks in advance for enlightening us on this matter.
It seems that this is the way Looker Studio is processing the data. What you see in Piwik PRO UI is the effect of transformations on Analytics data query level. Looker Studio works on data already downloaded from Piwik PRO. There is a plan on introducing a new metric that would fix the problem. I don’t have an ETA on that. I’ll let you know if I find any workaround for the time being.
Thanks. So is the end conclusion then that for now then that we are not able to display page load time correctly through the PiwikPRO connector in DataStudio? Does anyone else in the community have experience with displaying page load time in Looker Studio?
For now there is no workaround. I got the information that the new metric that will solve this problem should arrive at the end of May/at the beginning of June.