Parameter t_fs causing issues

Hello Piwik team,

We recently launched a new website, when I’m looking at the debugger, I see broken event with this error :
Tracking parameter t_fs has invalid value. number too large to fit in target type at line 1 column 1142

		"cookie_id": "43e544a8fd6ff9d0",
		"headers": [
				"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
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				"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"
		"host": "",
		"id": "2deb968e-a8d6-43d0-8dc1-1339007f8b99",
		"ip": "<anonymized>",
		"method": "POST",
		"query_params": {
			"_id": "43e544a8fd6ff9d0",
			"_idts": "1696263468",
			"_idvc": "2",
			"_viewts": "1696265389",
			"action_name": "Menu en zone DUOMO",
			"cookie": "1",
			"gt_ms": "0",
			"h": "18",
			"idsite": "1d7fef3e-2fb5-43ee-85f2-265107f97c24",
			"m": "49",
			"pv_id": "RVoB9s",
			"rec": "1",
			"res": "390x844",
			"s": "50",
			"send_image": "0",
			"t_ae": "1070827",
			"t_as": "1070827",
			"t_ce": "1070827",
			"t_cs": "1070827",
			"t_dc": "1291813",
			"t_di": "1070893",
			"t_dl": "1070841",
			"t_ds": "1070827",
			"t_ee": "1291834",
			"t_fs": "1070827",
			"t_le": "1071176",
			"t_ls": "1071062",
			"t_qs": "1070827",
			"ts_n": "jstc_tm",
			"ts_v": "2.17.1",
			"url": ""
		"scheme": "https",
		"time": "2023-10-02T16:49:53.225295784Z"

How can I fix this ? Any impacts on our running paid campaign ?

Many thanks,

Hi @AudreyR,

Could you please share here or if you prefer on private message link to the website so we I can check what could happened?

Hi @Adam sure, the website is

Thanks for your help

Hi Audrey,

I checked the website but on the homepage I don’t see any errors in the network, could you please let me know how I can recreate this issue? Also, you have enabled CNIL, so I am unable to take a look into tracker debugger

Hi @Adam, thanks for your reply

So far I can’t recreate the issue either but I still see it through the tracker debugger.
I enabled it again.

I found these URL involded in the issue :

Let me know if you need more infos


Hi Audrey,

Unfortunately, I can’t find anything on a website. Could you please enable tracker debugger again for some time and let me know, so I can take a look at this? I will then let you know as soon as I finish

Hi @Adam ,

I enable again the tracker debugger, you can go ahead :wink:

Thanks for your help

Hi Audrey,

Thank you, checking it.


Thank you, you can enable CNIL again. It seems to me that the loading time of a page view was exceeded on a login page. Looking at the resolution in request it was a mobile device. It took over 72 seconds to load it, perhaps it was user with very low internet connection. It shouldn’t affect your campaigns