PCI Standards, Shopify, and Piwik Pro


I help to manage a few Shopify stores that have both GA4 and Piwik Pro set-up. I have just received this alert from Shopify in regards to GA4 meeting PCI standards for credit card transactions. Will these standards impact the Piwik Pro pixel as well? Email below:

You are receiving this email because you still have a Google Analytics tag set up through your Online Store > Preferences for Crimson Cup Coffee. Due to new card security requirements set by PCI SSC, we are required to change how these pixels are managed.

To ensure continuity in your tracking and ad performance, it is recommended that you move the tag to the Google & YouTube app.

On February 2, 2025, we will begin automatically converting the tags to custom pixels in a best effort attempt to ensure continuity in your measurement. However, custom pixels are sandboxed. This maximizes your store’s security and site performance, but may mean that you experience changes, such as:

Data changes and losses: You may notice fewer events are tracked and shared with Google Analytics, while some historical data may change or even be lost.

Reduced advertising performance: If you are relying on these pixels for ads, you may observe a reduction in performance as your ads will trigger and be optimized based on fewer or less accurate signals.

Unsupported features: Features like Google’s enhanced measurement may not work as expected.

Unlike custom pixels, app pixels through the Google & YouTube app are able to operate without sandbox limitations as we’ve partnered with Google to maximize performance while maintaining security.

No longer need these pixels?

You remain in full control. If you’re using this tag through another app or no longer need it, simply remove it from Online Store > Preferences before February 2, 2025. After this date, you can delete it from Customer Events.


Hi @David_Culbertson,

I am looking into this topic and I’ll come back with an update.

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

Hi @David_Culbertson,

It seems like there are changes for Online Store Preferences in the Shopify admin.

Basically “Shopify is requiring store owners to move the management of Google Analytics tags and Meta pixels from the Online Store Preferences section in the Shopify Admin to dedicated apps or custom pixels.”

Please have a look at this post - Google and Meta pixel tags moving - Shopify Community

Since our code is added through a custom pixel it doesn’t seem like we are affected.

Hi @kamilb,

Except, I’m using the old approach which is the Piwik Pro tag in theme.liquid. Any idea if this February 2 deadline applies to Piwik Pro also?

And does this work with cross-domain tracking?

Hi @David_Culbertson,

It doesn’t seem to be affected however it might be a good idea to reach out to Shopify to double check.

“And does this work with cross-domain tracking?” - what are you referring to?

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

Hi @kamilb,

To clarify, I meant sub-domain tracking as explained here:

Currently, subdomain tracking works perfectly for www.crimsoncup.com (WordPress site) and shop.crimsoncup.com (Shopify site) using your standard approach of placing the PP snippet into the shop.crimsoncup.com theme.liquid file.

So i’ll ask my question again: When I convert Shopify tracking to the method outlined in Shopify: install a tracking code | Piwik PRO help center, will cross sub-domain tracking still work?

Hi @David_Culbertson,

Yes, it should work fine however please make sure to add the correct domain to setDomains
and also make sure to set the cookie domain -

_paq.push(['setCookieDomain', '*.example.com']);

This is basically the value which you’ve entered here -

Have a great day! :slight_smile: