Reporting visitors and sessions on tracking data without ‘uid’ parameter

In some of our apps we use the HTTP Tracking API and ppms.php endpoint to collect data. We use our own consent manager, in which one of the choices results in calling pageviews without ‘uid’ parameter (we call it anonymous mode). We don’t use the ‘uia’ parameter.
My question - how the calls without ‘uid’ parameter results in number of visitors and sessions in Piwik reports?
Are these calls are not counted to number of visitors/sessions at all?
Or, are they somehow identified and aggregated as visitors/sessions in reports in some other way?

Hi @tluczyns,

The “uid” parameter is used for holding user ID value. It’s not responsible for any anonymity mechanisms in Piwik PRO. When you do not have value for this parameter normal session recognition will be in place, meaning sessions will be recognized based on their session hash (if that option is turned on), cookie id (which you are not using as you’re sending requests themselves) or not recognized at all resulting in each event being an individual session. In regards to visitors, they will not be recognized as returning, so the number of sessions and visitors will be equal as each new session will be seen as started by a new visitor.

The “uia” value is the one that is responsible for anonymity mechanisms. Those are: all IP bytes will be masked (, GeoIP data below Country level will be anonymized. If you do not send it with value: 1 it means the visitors are not anonimized and are tracked normally.


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Thank you, for our needs it looks ok. We don’t send and don’t keep any local cookies with uid value (so some kind privacy is kept), but we have “session hash” setting turned on in app privacy settings, so I presume that piwik identifies pageviews within particular session.