Strange PV once in a month

Hi, the Thema strange PV.

Only on 21 Juli,
we had very higher PV (4,733. normally around 100)
Visitor and Session is normal average, only PV.
no specific event, no news etc on that day…

When I focus into PV on that day (with custom report),
Top 10 visited pages are avarage PV number, just there are so many 1 or 2 PV in almost every page…

Every month we have same situation in one day on 4th of week.
Is this system error?

Please help me, I want to know reason.

sorry its about on 22. July. not 21th. :pray:

Hi there! Could you send me the URL of your website in a private message? I’ll have a look into the page views :slight_smile:

Thank you! I sent it to your private message. If you didnt receive it, pls let me know:)

I noticed that every month on the 21st/22nd there are some strange sessions that have a range of 1000-4000 events in them. Here is an example of one:

This looks like bot or crawler traffic, we have a guide on how you can exclude it: In your case, you would have to wait until August 21st/22nd so you can get the raw request from the tracker debugger and then follow our guide. This should help with the anomalies :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for your advise!
so, after 22.Aug., I can proceed this, exclude unnecessary traffic.(from Administration > Websites & apps,)
untill then I dont do nothing, my understanding correct?

Yes, that’s right. Raw requests are only available in the tracker debugger, which, at most, shows sessions from the last 6 hours. So you would need to observe this on August 22nd and wait for the session to appear.

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