Why don't filtered unique custom events sum up?

I want to report unique custom events according to their name. Thus I created a filter

but these don’t sum up although I believe they should. When I report their total, only the first number shows up as a Grand Total:


Thanks, Susanne

Hi. Most likely those 2458 events were generated in the same session as storm,keinwl. Would that be possible?

Hi Kuba.
I don’t think so, it should be different users who have strom and stromgas…!
So these should be generated in different sessions.

Could you create a segment in Piwik PRO UI for the event stromgas, apply it and check the session in the session log to see what events were triggered?

Hi Kuba.

I did so - i am just not sure how to check it efficiently. I examined some of the sessions and in these, there was only stromgas selected (i.e. an event with stromgas triggered). Is there a way to examine it more efficiently? I believe that stromgas and strom would always be selected in different sessions as the customer has either/or and not both.

Thanks, Susanne

Even examination of one session tells us that there’s something wrong. Could you recreate a similar report in the Piwik PRO’s UI? Can you also share the instance name, site name and date range here or on priv?

Hi Kuba.

Thanks for looking into it. Yes, I recreated in Piwik Analytics and it DOES sum up here:

Instance is https://wienenergie.piwik.pro/ Master property Wien Energie


Hi Kuba.
Yesterday I installed the new connector to data studio and now it sums up even in data studio.

so i consider this as solved :slight_smile: Thanks, Susanne

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Great! :slight_smile: @Piotrek :clap: