I’m trying to tag a popular WordPress form ‘Contact Form 7.’ I can do it on click submit, however that would also fire if errors happen such as not entering a required field.
To fire it only if successful, there is a post-submission confirmation message when inspecting looks as follows:
<div class="wpcf7-response-output" aria-hidden="true">Thank you for your message. It has been sent.</div>
And I can access in console web browser tools the text to place it in a variable:
let output_text = document.querySelector("#wpcf7-f20-p19977-o1 > form > div.wpcf7-response-output").innerText
then place the value in a custom js variable
function() {
let outputText = document.querySelector("#wpcf7-f20-p19977-o1 > form > div.wpcf7-response-output").innerText
return outputText;
then I set the condition of the trigger to fire if output_text contains ‘Thank you for your message’ but it isn’t firing. Any thoughts?
For reference how it tracks on GTM:
Uses a listener that perhaps is needed since looks like the class I’m using may not be part of the initial click. Since I have the same ‘dataLayer’ data layer name, wondering what changes I need to make (if any) to the below code that is meant for GTM.
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
"event" : "cf7submission",
"formId" : event.detail.contactFormId,
"response" : event.detail.inputs
Thanks in advance.
Rafael S