Analytics without a cookie banner (EU GDPR compliant)


my goal is to configurate the analytics running without cookie banner (EU GDPR compliant way). I have made the configuration based on the instructions here:

Collect data in a privacy-friendly way | Piwik PRO help center | Collect data without using a session ID and visitor cookies
Setting: Administration > Sites & apps > Privacy > Ask visitors for consent (off) + Use a session ID (off) + Use visitor cookies (off)

However when running cookiebot scan there is found 1 marketing cookie “stg_externalReferrer”.
Does anyone know can this cookie be deleted without interrupting the analytics? How to delete this cookie?

Thank you so much!

Here is an article on cookies that Piwik creates for visitors: Cookies created for visitors by Piwik PRO | Data and cookies | Piwik PRO help center

Try looking for information on the stg_externalReferrer cookie in the article and adjusting its conditions mentioned in the article in the Administration settings so that it does not appear anymore.

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Thank you for the answer. I have read the document. It seems impossible to deactivate cookie stg_externalReferrer when cookie banner is set off?

if you turn “Use visitor cookies” in privacy settings off this cookie should not appear anymore(?)

It is already off and the cookie still appears :frowning:

Could you please send me a URL of the website which it concerns? You can send it under this thread or via private message.

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Thank you @asinior investigating the issue! :smile: Seems that there was a bug with the cookie scanner.

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