Click event not firing


i have an issue i have made a custom event as per piwikpro guide, and i made a click trigger that triggers on click class.

The problem is that in the debugger it adds in the trigger


and if i go to the event log the stg.capturingClick happens when i click the link but the datalayer is empty so the tag doesnt fire.

in the event though the clickclass i assigned is in the datalayer, but it just doesnt use that event in the trigger.

Hi @tobi0064,

In order to use the event, you need to disable this option in the click trigger -

When this is enabled it will use the stg.capturingClick

Hi @kamilb

it has never been on

But it actually worked when turning it on, so thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

Hi @tobi0064,

Sorry for the confusion.
It seems that its the opposite so basically when its turned on it will use the