Hi! I noticed that consent banner started to fire for our users from non-GDPR countries (most of the US states). Also, I saw this message in the change log:
Question to PIWIK: is it a temporary change or it will work like this from now on? Is it driven by some regulatory changes you are foreseeing?
Question to the community: Which 3-rd party consent management app would you recommend?
Thank you!
Hi @abbenay1 ,
This is not a temporary change. From now on, this is how it will work.
Some third-party tools allow you to modify the consent form content based on location, but this does not necessarily affect whether the consent banner is displayed.
Cookie Information does not have this functionality, but a custom implementation should allow for a similar effect (you can try a custom implementation in Piwik PRO as well). The integration of both products is seamless.
If you are an enterprise client, please let me know in a private message. I will pass the information to your account manager, who will assist you with the next steps.