I have a problem with displaying Cookie Consent banner in my React Native app. It doesn’t show up at all, even though to my understanding should work out of the box.
Things I have checked:
— @piwikpro/react-native-piwik-pro-sdk package v1.1.0 installed and initialized successfully without errors
— “Ask visitors for consent” setting is turned on in the dashboard
— “Consent Form” selected in the Reminder-section of Consent settings
Are there any errors in console that would indicate any issue with loading, either Piwik PRO or consent itself? (If the issue is with loading Piwik PRO itself, you will also not see any data collected, as currently you have turned on Anonymous tracking which should work regardless of consent)
Both PIWIK_URL and PIWIK_KEY have values. I can see the “Piwik initialized successfully” -message in the console.
What else should I look into? Also, could you maybe elaborate on the Anonymous tracking — could it be the reason why the consent banner doesn’t show up?