I’m using Cookie Information as my consent system, and I’d like to integrate it with the Consent Tracking report in Piwik analytics, so that I can see the “No decision” rate.
But unfortunately, I don’t see any numbers in “No decision” - it’s just a flat 0.
Is it supposed to work with Custom Form? Otherwise I’m considering making my own “No decision” metric that is calculated like so:
( {consent_form_impressions} - ({consents_full}+{consents_none}) )
My setup is as follows:
I fire these two functions when the Cooke Information popup is shown:
ppms.cm.api("setInitialComplianceSettings", { consents: ["analytics"] });
And then when a decision is made (1 when consent, 0 when not)
var hasConsent = getConsent();
ppms.cm.api("setComplianceSettings", { consents: { analytics: { status: hasConsent ? 1 : 0 } } } );
if (hasConsent)