Here is my current setup:
- I’m using Piwik PRO Tag Manager and the provided container code on the site (one domain only).
- There is the main ‘Piwik PRO’ tag and a few other tags that capture form impressions.
- The consent type for all tags is set to ‘Analytics’. This is the only type of consent I use overall.
- Administration → Site/property → Privacy → Ask visitors for consent is ON. The form is showing.
- ‘Collect anonymous data from non-consenting visitors’ is ON. Session hash and visitor cookies for non-consenting visitors are ON.
My ultimate goal is to fire ALL tags for both consenting users and those who ignore the consent form [anonymous is enough, I only need basic analytics]. In other words, I’d like to see analytics for ‘Analytics = 1’ and ‘Analytics = -1’ visitors. Of course, I respect the right of those who explicitly opt out and do not collect analytics from ‘Analytics = 0’ visitors.
Looking at the flowchart on this page, I understand that for users who ignore the consent form, only my Piwik PRO main tag will fire, whereas my other tags will not.
Do I understand it correctly? And if so, shouldn’t I then set the consent type for those other tags to ‘no consent is required’?
Thank you.
Hi @mrkpl125 ! Yup, you basically figured it out - if you want to run some analytics events tags for all the users - both anonymous or not - they need to have “does not require consent” as then, those are just tracker instructions that run on top of what is configured for the tracker. And anonymisation state is set there.
Your consent is on, collecting from non-consenting visitors is on - good.
The only thing is, you should keep “Analytics” category for your main tracker tag, so it’s actually listed in the consent, although as far as I remember it doesn’t even matter whether you set it to Analytics or “Does not require consent”. It’s just you don’t need to change anything in the main tracker tag - that’s the baseline.
Just keep in mind that this approach will also get the tracking data from people that actively opt out. You mentioned that:
Of course, I respect the right of those who explicitly opt out and do not collect analytics from ‘Analytics = 0’ visitors.
In such a config it’s basically the same for those who don’t decide or decide negatively - you collect anonymised data for both of those groups. I hope that makes sense as I explain it 
Thank you for your reply.
In such a config it’s basically the same for those who don’t decide or decide negatively - you collect anonymised data for both of those groups.
I thought it was different. Namely, anonymous analytics is collected for those who don’t decide, whereas for those who decide negatively (i.e. explicitly opt out) - no analytics is collected. That would be a perfect scenario. I don’t want to push if a user explicitly wants to opt out. I just don’t want to lose analytics from those who are too lazy to make a chose or just close the form being annoyed. Currently, almost 50% of users do not decide at all and this worries me - my form is enabled globally, not just for the EU.
Maybe I just need to make it mandatory to accept or reject (modal window).
If at least 50% of your traffic is outside the EU, I’d recommend to disable it (showing outside EU, that is, limit to just EU with the setting). From what I’m hearing people outside EU are just confused by those 
If you’d really like, you could map the consent status of 0/-1 to a variable and base your tag triggering on that: JavaScript API — Piwik PRO Analytics Suite 18.17 documentation.
Making it mandatory is also some way to go - setup I suggest is a bottom bar with ability to close disabled (removing “X” button, can be done in options), if you’d really like to force users decision. It still allows to use the website, modal can be deemed obstructive. How you approach it very much depends on your business and users. Cheers
After investigating all the possibilities I decided to simply set ‘No consent required’ for secondary tags to enable at least anonymous analytics.
It should be noted that (at least from my perspective) that it doesn’t make sense to let Piwik Pro tag still fire even when explicit NO is given (provided the anonymous analitics is enabled) and not let other tags fire in the same circumstances. Piwik is almost perfect as an analytics tool but this design decision is rather strange.
Wouldn’t it be clearer to let the users/site owners adjust the behavior for the three categories separately (analytics: 1, analytics: -1 and analytics:0)? Clearly, if I have a number of tags in my tag manager, I want all of them to fire so long as I enabled anonymous analytics, not just the Piwik Pro main tag.
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Yup, I see your point. Hopefully the team will read through that topic and maybe take those suggestions into the account
for sure we could use more options
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