I am currently converting GA3 events to Piwik pro From Google Tag Manager . In GA3, my event looks like so and works perfectly well.
I was converting this event for PiwikPro using this script using the same trigger
I can see that the event is getting fired to PiwikPro, but the values are not passed
Any idea how the values should be concatenated for this to work with PiwikPro?
Thank you!
there are “too many parameters” and the format is invalid for your events. Put all the variables and separators inside the string you are sending, moving the last " from "funds download " right to the end before the comma for the first parameter. Enclose the second parameter (starting behind the comma until the last GTM variable) in ", too. This should fix it - check the browser console for error messages as well.
Exactly like @mbaersch said,
The method should look somewhat like this:
_paq.push(["trackEvent", "file_downloads", "Funds download - {{DLV - eventCountry}} - {{DLV - eventLanguage}} - {{DLV - eventUserCategory}}", "{{DLV - eventDocName}} - {{DLV - eventDocLanguage}} - {{DLV - eventFundID}}"]);
Thank you very much both of you. It works perfectly now. Much appreciated
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