Goal Conversion data not updating in Goal

I have setup three goals for aggregating amount of clicks on phone and email links as well as a form conversion.

Tracking debugger shows all three Goals are converted correctly and belonging to the correct Goal ID. But the data doesnt update in the Goals panel. It stays 0 on mail and form but 2 have been noted on phone of all my tests today.

Any idea why? I double and triple checked the event names on the triggers assosiated with each tag and they correpsond. Either way I doubt they would show up as proper goal conversions in the tracker debugger if they were not?

I used the debugger on the front end to confirm the tags were indeed firing as well. All good, so Im kinda out of ideas. Any help much appreciated!

Hi @A2N,

It usually takes some time to display the data in the analytics once they’re tracked. Please take a look if the tracked goals are visible already or not

I see there have appeared one or two on each category but I felt confident I did more. So around 20 hours ago I did a new set of tests. If added to the aggregated sums on Goals, it should increment each category by 2. I checked again today and so far they have not.

When you say it takes time, do you have a range? 48 hours or more?

no data has appeared yet.

So at some point I have to assume something is not working as intended. Also if the lag time between capture and reporting is days it becomes tricky to use. Cant use tracking debugger to confirm because the data doesnt go back that far there.

Hello and a happy new year to you! Just following up on this to see if we can progress the issue? I have checked the account and no goal conversions have appeared as a result of ample testing on several instances. On each I validate using the debug inspection tool that the tags are firing and are read as goal conversions.

I have reccomended several clients the use of Piwik Pro over your competition but if your solution doesnt actually track data or if we cannot get support to debug the issue, all the while having followed your every instruction, well then I dont have a reason to reccomend Piwik to my clients. The whole point of Piwik was to get a GDPR product, tags and analytics all in one.

At this point I feel a single follow up response would be warranted.

Hi @A2N,

Sorry for the late response from our side. It seems that it went under our radar.
Can you send me your instance and website ID in a private message so that I can check?
Also, can you please let me know how we can trigger the goal you mentioned on what page etc.

Have a great day!