GTM custom events integration with piwik consent banner

Hello there!

I want to start using Piwik Pro Consent Banner. I have some GA custom events setup in GTM and when I was reading this tutorial: Consent Manager integration with Google Tag Manager | Piwik PRO help center I got a doubt:

I get it when the tutorial says in that in GA event all pages we should remove this trigger and put the piwik analytics consent trigger instead. But how about tags with cutom events? How do we work with them to integrate with the Piwik Pro consent banner and user choices?

Hi @joaopiwik,

When it comes to what the guide says in regard to how to set up integration:
You should create a variable and add it to any trigger that you think should fire only when a particular consent was given. So you can use it with page views, clicks, scrolls and so on.


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