Internal server error - July 23


Working on my account and getting an internal server error.

Are your servers down?

Down for every single client. Seems like everything on Piwik is down.

It is up now :smiley:

This is written for minimum characters.

hi @Thom ,
Yes, we are noticing a downtime now, please bear with me, I’ll update you when the issue is resolved.

@Thom it seems the problem was put to bed, I tested my Core account and it works fine.
Please let me know if you still see an issue.

The problem is back. Everything is down again…

Sorry for that, I’m getting our team on it.

Thanks, please let me know if there is anything I can do.

@Thom we see that performance went back to normal over the last 30 minutes, this time the issue should be resolved permanently.
Please let me know if you observe any further issues.
Thanks for reporting it!

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I am happy to announce that we recently introduced a public status page so that you have a clear overview of incidents that may have affected your service performance.

You can check the status of your service by adding /status to your account address just as in the following example:

Kindly note that this feature is currently in beta and is not yet accessible to all accounts.