I had asked a similar question about a month for big differences in channel distribution of sessions between GA3 and PP even though total sessions is roughly similar. Now, I am taking a deeper look, focusing on sessions by medium. For penzone.piwik.pro for 1 June through 7 June:
GA3, total sessions = 13,562
Direct - 6,031
Email - 582
Organic/Local (Local based on UTM codes) - 6,744
Other mediums - 205
PP, total sessions = 14,022:
Direct - 8,414
Email - 327
Organic/Local (Local based on UTM codes) - 5,070
Other mediums - 211
The medium counts that are vastly different are Direct and Organic/Local, almost as if something is happening in how mediums are assigned. Are there differences between GA3 and PP for assigning the medium that could account for the huge mismatches?