I want to get a table with the channels and the respective visitors. But the channels aren’t aggregated. There are no other dimensions added. Am I doing something wrong?
What version of the Looker Studio connector are you using?
I’ve made the connection with the Piwik Pro Analytics connector earlier this week. Where can I check the version? Thanks for your help!
The version should be in the connector description
It’s not specified unfortunately but on the product page of the connector on piwik pro website states that it is 1.2.0
Sorry for the confusion - it should be displayed when you go into the data source edit, then “edit connection” and finally in the description
Alright, I’ve consulted with our developers and it looks like an old version of the connector - could you try updating it to the newest one? The whole process is documented here:
This fixed all my (Piwik) problems. Thank you!!