I have stopped receiving emails from Piwic Pro (the robot@piwic.pro).
I have checked spam, bin etc.
I know I should be getting them, because I have 2 accounts on Piwic, but I am only receiving emails to the secondary one (site under construction). Not the primary one (site up and running).
Hi Kuba,
Thank you for replying!
I got the activation email but nothing after that so both the first onboarding emails and the first about tracking. Havent received anything about scheduled reports or account-related stuff.
Thank you! Today I have received an e-mail on the right account, but it says Im not tracking and I have inserted the code and seen 2 visitors tracked in the dash board just like it can track backwards in time. On the other hand I received an e-mail for my other account saying that tracks - but the website doesnt exist!
What might be wrong?