Hello there!
I know that Piwik.pro says it uses first-party cookies, and I am not doubt it. But I just want to make my “mind” clear about it and maybe even learn somethign today. If Piwik.pro uses 1st party cookies why the domain for the cookies pk_sess or ppms_privacy is piwik.pro? Shouldn’t be my own website?
Thank you!
Hi @joaopiwik,
These cookies are most likely set on your Piwik PRO instance/account. If you were to delete them and not open the Piwik PRO interface, the .piwik.pro
ones shouldn’t show up. But even if they are present in your browser when you are on your website, the tracking code will only use the first party ones.
Thank you anthonybarczak,
Perfect as I and you can see in the image