Regex for numbers

Hello, could someone help me with a regular expression that only show me numbers? I want to create a report with search keywords, and right now it is showing both words and numbers.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @V_E,

Could you explain what exactly you are looking for?



The website has a search box where the users can input text and numbers. The numbers are usually for finding forms that has specific form numbers. I would like to create a report to extract which forms are being searched for. Right now the search keywords contains both text and numbers.


for filtering any keyword containing a number, use \d for a regex filter. If only numbers should appear, ^\d*$ would be a solution. If there may be spaces and / or dashes in a “number” search term, use ^[\d\s\-]*$.


Thank you so much, this created exactly the type of report I was looking for!

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