Seeking Guidance on Google Search Console Meta Tag Implementation*

Hello PiwikPRO Community members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on the implementation of my website with Google Search Console and could use some guidance on adding the required HTML verification meta tag to my site with Piwik PRO TAG MANAGER.

I have obtained the following meta tag from Google Search Console:

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="000000000001O000000000000000" />

However, I am unsure about the best method to integrate this meta tag into the <head> section of my website with TAG Manager Piwik Pro.
If anyone has experience with this process or can provide step-by-step instructions, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.

The best way to do it would be to create a custom code tag and then in the blank space add the following code:

var meta = document.createElement("meta"); = "google-site-verification";
meta.content = "000000000001O000000000000000";


and then add a trigger that would add a page view trigger on all or certain pages.

Here are some handy articles about custom code tags: Custom code (async) tag | Piwik PRO help center and triggers: Add a trigger | Piwik PRO help center

Hi, I follow your suggestion but don’t print the code in the source of page.
Can you help me to understand why?

Could you share the setup that you created for the tag?

Consent type

No consent required

Respect opt-out and DNT


Don’t fire in debug mode


Enable document.write


Date range

Run forever

Time of day

Run all day

All page views

The Tag fire as well (I see it in debug mode) but isn’t in the source

Could you perhaps share the site that you are testing the tag on? You can do it here or via dm.

If the site is WordPress, use the free version of the WPCode plugin to add the tag to the header of your site.