Tracking custom conversions/goals with Google Tag Manager

Hi there!

So I created a few goals (leads/form submissions) using the “thank you” page logic. Now the problem is, I would like to set up a specific goal as the following, but can’t find a way to do that without Installing PiwikPro Tag Manager. All my current setup is on Google Tag Manager.

So what I’m trying to achieve is:

  1. The user visits a SPECIFIC page on my website
  2. The user submits a form
  3. User is being redirected to a “Thank you” page

The Issue is, with PiwikPro goals, I can’t specify an “entry point”, as I don’t want every user who lands on my “thank you” page regardless of the reason, will be marked as a goal. Only visits that start the funnel after visiting a SPECIFIC page.


Hi @beyondperform,

Welcome to our community!

I can’t help you with GTM itself as it is not our product. But when it comes to possible option. When someone is clicking the redirection link on a specific page add to the link a parameter that would tell you from where someone is visiting the thank-you page. Once you have that you can send a goal when this parameter in URL is present.
