UTM data is not populating

I’m having some issues with Piwik not populating UTM data from a paid campaign I’m running on LinkedIn. Before launching the campaign, I tested the URL with UTM parameters and data populated as expected but now that the campaign is active I’m not seeing any data. I had another coworker test the link and no data pulled through. I can confirm that the cookies that recognize UTM campaigns is dropping/activating as intended so am at a loss still as to why our campaign data is not coming through.

Could you share a full log and a screenshot of tracker debugger? Log is available after clicking </> icon in tracker debugger.

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It looks all fine. The attached UTM tags are: ?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=paid_social&utm_campaign=rxo_090122&utm_id=200796974&utm_term=ert&utm_content=version_a. The screen shows on the left that it was properly recognized. Could you provide an example session where the UTM tags don’t match the session parameteres?

My problem is only when I click on the advert, it recognizes the UTM parameters… I have tried to test with other individuals and 0 data is pulled through to the Campaigns report. I can’t send any screenshots/examples because there’s no data to send.

So maybe you’re able to locate a session which was created after clicking an ad? There might be multiple reasons, e.g. wrong encoding of the params, etc.

How would I do that?

A few ideas:

  • if there’s not a lot of traffic on landing pages, you could simply check a few sessions if any of them had utm tags attached via the url param
  • you could temporally edit the campaign and add some param to the landing page that could be used to find sessions that started via campaign
  • lastly, you can click on the campaign yourself (accepting that it will generate cost)

This is the first time we’re strategically implementing UTM tags. The landing page url isn’t providing any data in the session log. Only when I personally click on the link (with or without UTM parameters) will it show any data. I input the url into the session log, and the only sessions that populate are my own for the month of September.

Ok, so maybe this ad doesn’t bring any traffic? I’d check configuration.

We have noticed through testing that when testers ‘accept’ all cookies (we use OneTrust/Autoblocking method for our cookie compliance enforcement) that the data/analytics is pulled through. However, when cookies are not accepted the data/analytics does not come through.

We wondered therefore:

  1. If you knew/could help us figure out which cookie (would it be Piwik Pro or LinkedIn/Google Analytics specific cookie) exactly the data/analytics is dependent upon being dropped/accepted? So that we may look into adjusting that specific cookies acceptance parameters.

  2. Is it possible that there is no ‘cookie’ that the analytics is reliant upon but that merely our implementation of OneTrust Autoblocking Compliance tool/script blocks the analytics coming through? We doubt this since, when cookies are ‘accepted’ the analytics comes through?

Are you using our consent manager as well? The cookie that is important in this context is ppms_privacy_<your_app_id>. This cookie controls users’ consents and might block certain events from happening. No additional cookies are needed to use the product (since Piwik PRO works also in cookieless mode).

No, we’re not using Piwik’s Consent Manager.

Technically, if the tool blocks only cookies, data should appear in the reporting interface. The most important cookie is _pk_id.<appID>.<domainHash> but it’s not required for tracking. All cookies are listed here: Cookies created by Piwik PRO | Data and cookies | Piwik PRO help center

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