Youtube tracking tag probably fires too early

Currently trying to get a Youtube tag to work. For our (custom) CMS we’re working with the Youtube API.

I’m getting a console warning (not from Piwik, from the CMS) that onYoutubeIframeAPIReady is not ready yet. The code will try again when DOM is ready. But even when I fire the tag on DOM ready or content loaded it seems like I’m a bit too early.

What would be the best way to check on onYoutubeIframeAPIReady before firing the Youtube tracking tag?

Hi. Can you share some example URL where this problem can be reproduced?

Hi Kuba,

It’s an internal environment URL, so if it’s okay I’ll send it through DM.

Yes, please send it via pm :slight_smile:

Hi. We have a fix ready for that. It should be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Great news, thanks for the help.

I’ll keep an eye on the changelog.