Youtube video tracking tag not working


I followed the instruction on this page to set up Youtube video tracking tag.

Some problems I encountered after some debugging runs:

  1. The tag does not get fired when Consent type in Advanced tag settings is set to any types other than “Does not require consent”. For example, when selecting “analytics” in Consent type settings, the tag does not get fired after allowing Performance cookies or even Allow all cookies when visiting the site. Is it due to the reason that the CMP is not Piwik Consent Manager (we’re using OneTrust)? What to do in this case if we want to set “Analytics” as Consent type for the tag to be fired after a certain consent type is allowed?

  2. How can I access the Tracker Debugger? I’m on the Core plan at the moment and I could not find it anywhere on my Piwik Pro Analytics view.


Hi. Tracker debugger is available in Analytics → Settings. If you can’t see it, most likely you have CNIL compliance enabled in the site’s settings.

As for the consent - it’s not integrated by default with onetrust. To make it work, you have to map the consent categories between onetrust and Piwik PRO and set consent in Piwik PRO via the API available here: JavaScript API — Piwik PRO Analytics Suite 16.33 documentation

There are also some examples how to create a custom consent form: Piwik PRO - Custom consent form example | Custom consent form example for Piwik PRO Consent Manager

We hope to have an official integration with Onetrust later this year.