Youtube Video tracking


I followed the instruction on this page to set up Youtube video tracking tag. Unfornately the tracking doesn’t work. If I check the ‘debug’ mode the tag fires, but If I go to reports → video analytics I get the message ‘No data yet’ even after a few days.

Thanks for helping!

Hi HeadOffice!

Please check:

  • Are there any browser console errors popping up when visiting the website on which the video is present?
  • Are you seeing any requests (in your browser’s developer tools) that are pointed at your Piwik PRO instance/account?

You can also post the website URL here or in a private message - preferably with the YouTube video embedded.

Hi @anthonybartczak

Thank you for your quick response. You can find the answers to your questions below.

  • Are there any browser console errors popping up when visiting the website on which the video is present?
    → No
  • Are you seeing any requests (in your browser’s developer tools) that are pointed at your Piwik PRO instance/account?
    → I can see the info below.

And below you can find a website URL from a page with an embedded YouTube video.

Please let me know if you still need something else.

Thank you!

Hi @HeadOffice!

It’s most likely because the YouTube video tracking template has problems detecting video elements that are dynamically added to the page - the ones that are not present in the HTML on page load.

We have already identified and fixed the issue and the new template version should be released in the next 2-3 weeks.

Hi @anthonybartczak

Thank you for the update! Hopefully the tracking will work after the update.

Have a nice day!

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Hi @anthonybartczak

I just wanted to check if the new update is already released?

Thank you!

Hi @HeadOffice ,

Yes, the new version of the template was released. In case the issue still occurs - please recreate the video tracking tag (delete it and then create a new one).


I have pretty much the same issue, Youtube tracking is not working. One difference is that I am getting these errors when playing the video on our Next.js site:

However, this shouldn’t be causing the tracking issue, since on another site with pretty much the same setup – but on Drupal – we have the same errors but Piwik Pro tracking is working fine there.

I’ve re-added the Youtube tag as you instructed above and tried different page view triggers (early and late loading).

I also tried copying the youtube tag to console, returns undefined so no cigar there.

Another difference between our Drupal and Next.js site is that in the latter our tracking code is implemented as 1st party.

Any tips on what the issues could be, how to continue debugging? I can send URLs in PM.

Hi @mikkovai,

You are right, the mentioned errors shouldn’t be related. You can send me the URL in a private message.